Life is Good is the original positive lifestyle apparel brand dedicated to spreading the power of optimism. In 1994, brothers Bert and John Jacobs designed their first Life is Good t-shirt—and discovered how those three simple words could help people to focus on the good in their lives. Today, Life is Good designs, sources, markets and distributes a broad range of causal lifestyle apparel and accessories all of which serve as canvases for Life is Good’s messages of optimism.

Life is Good is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts and its products are distributed throughout the United States and Canada. We source our products through third-party manufacturers who share our commitment to human rights and environmental sustainability. 

Life is Good respects and promotes the rule of law including all applicable laws International and national laws; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the International Labor Organization conventions, which establish international human and labor rights norms. Life is Good has used the Fair Labor Association's Compliance Benchmarks to build its Code of Conduct, which sets forth our expectations and standards in the following areas: occupational health and safety, fair wages and benefits, work hours, transparent record-keeping practices, freedom of association, sub-contracting, and prohibitions on child labor, forced labor, prison labor, human trafficking, discrimination, and harassment. All of Life is Good’s suppliers, factories, and contractors are required to comply with the Code of Conduct.

To monitor Modern Slavery compliance with its Code of Conduct, Life is Good conducts workplace assessments and factory audits that examine the following human rights issues: wages and benefits, recruitment fees, child labor, forced labor, discrimination, discipline, harassment or abuse, freedom of association, and working hours.

These audits are conducted by qualified external professionals on a semi-announced basis. The frequency of the audits is determined by the level of risk of violation in a particular manufacturing sector and locale. In addition, Life is Good regularly evaluates and monitors the risks of forced and involuntary labor in garment and related supply chains through review of government and civil society reports and by consultation as needed with external experts.

Life is Good engages with its suppliers to remediate issues whenever violations of its Code of Conduct are found. Life is Good’ s Director of Global Sourcing has the responsibility to identify, maintain, and terminate, if necessary, suppliers in order to ensure Life is Good mitigates the risk of human trafficking and slavery in its supply chain.

Life is Good provides employees and management, who have direct responsibility for supply chain management, training on human trafficking and slavery, particularly with respect to mitigating risks within the supply chains of products.

July 15, 2023